
The Start Of Something New...


I decided to create this blog as a kind of „course task” and as a kind of take off. Take off keeping a stiff upper lip. Well, I have never tried to write down my thoughts in English but I have another blog where I share my (in)sane, radical and exaggerated ideas/theories/thoughts using the ability of writing in Hungarian. You can find the link on the right and if you’re brave enough, read it. :) So it’s hard to write in a foreign language… But I’m tough and as you know the platitude/cliché/banality/commonplace, even Rome wasn’t built in a day, be patient. I’ll try to write regularly.

Keep a stiff upper lip! :)

1 megjegyzés:

Teodora írta...

Writing your thoughts in English means, you should think in English... It sounds very difficult. All we have to do is practice. :) Enjoy blogging...:)